Adventures with Justmeans

June 29, 2008

Google adwords vs Facebook Ads – a little test

Filed under: Technology — Kevin Edward Long @ 12:43
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At National Deaf Children’s Society, I helped them test Facebook ads vs Google Adwords.
The stats in this post are from Ross Pullar from NDCS who is heading up the NDCS Digital Avengers

The Challenge
To see which advertising medium would produce the most number of inquiries for their half marathon event.

How it was tested
We promoted The Royal Parks Half marathon sign-up through both Facebook ads vs Google Adwords

The adverts for Google and Facebook were as follows:



With both adverts the user went to the same landing page.
From there the user was able to inquire about the event and have relevant information sent to them.

Hit Results:
Overall Facebook beat Google for inquiries. We found that the advert with the cartoon face on it had a greater response rate with over 370 people clicking on the cartoon in comparison to 5 with the sensible Google advert

My Advise:
*The crazier the better!
*Boring ads get less hits.
*Use progressive text and a crazy picture.
*Do a test period with different pictures and the same text.
*Do a test period with the same pictures but with different text.

What will you find???
Crazier is better.

June 27, 2008

Twitter vs Friendfeed

Filed under: Technology — Kevin Edward Long @ 09:06
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“Hey, raise your hand if you think Twitter has had enough time to solve their load problems?”

The last three times I tried to log in to Twitter, it has been down.

I just signed up for FriendFeed and I love it. I was connected to my friends and grabbed on to a few people that they were following. I also played around with doing a post in Friendfeed through Facebook and Flickr – very easy. There are endless application that you can link to in Friendfeed. If you are up to it, their API is open for new and improved apps.

If you have not signed on yet to Friendfeed – I suggest checking it out.

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