Adventures with Justmeans

May 25, 2008

Spice Girls vs JustMeans

Filed under: Start-up Thoughts — Kevin Edward Long @ 11:33
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I finished a work week at JustMeans, plop down in font of the TV, and this below video from a group called, “The Spice Girls” came on. I was frozen. My mouth dropped open and I could not bring myself to change the channel. The thought that kept running through my mind during this video was,


I just spent two days talking to socially responsible companies and organizations about how they can better focus their messaging via social media to attract new supporters. I was having discussions about things like ‘fully recycled supply chains’, ‘moving at-risk youth from poverty to college’, ’empowering cross-sector institutions for sustainable family change’, etc, etc. That was when I saw this video (below) and realized that a bigger problem than just focusing a message is beating the competition. The world is filled with absolute crap that is just screaming to take the attention of the masses. I gave two minutes and forty five seconds of my life to the Spice Girls…ouch.

Take the Spice Girls Challenge:
1) While watching this video – think about all the things that are important to you, what you want to do to make this world a better place, and how you are going to do that.
2) Then realize that the Spice Girls and their, “tell me what you want what you really really want to be friends with my friend so your friends brothers’ friends neighbor sister…. can be my lover” video is getting 10 times more attention than what you are doing – again…ouch.

“Look at the competition”

May 7, 2008

Quit First, Ask Questions Later

When I was in my early 20’s I turned a corner in my professional career. I was working for a non-profit organization as an Aquatics Director (aka glorified lifeguard), managing (baby-sitting) around 50 part-time staff, and monitoring (making miracles happen..) a $150,000 budget. A job I thought could make a difference in the world, wasn’t making much of a dent at all. What about the greater good? Must help the community! Must give and give!

After working 14 days in a row, I remember thinking how much I hated my job. Not only was I underpaid and overworked, but I also realized this non-profit organization did a horrible job at treating their employees well. Ahhh….I was tricked by a non-profit organization! I remember looking at myself in the reflection of the pool and thinking, “How did I get here?”

I hated my job and no longer believed in the organization. I was only earning money. I decided it was time to give my notice and it was one of the best things I ever did. From that day forward, I would only take part-time work that would allow me to study so I could quickly complete my college degree in International Management. After I finished my degree, I started a small retail business which proved to be a powerful, foundational learning experience. I then founded Global Deaf Connection, an organization to support Deaf people in developing countries. I later travelled the world through a consulting fellowship with Bertelsmann, moved to the UK where I started a business development consultancy, and now I am living my dream as COO of JustMeans. JustMeans is a social media platform that rallies both companies and individuals around social responsibility. I help socially responsible companies promote their good work and encourage individuals to work for a company that is creating positive change in the world. I love my job so much that I actually have to force myself to take time off. Such a great feeling.

My advice:
If you hate your job and do not believe in the company your work for, don’t sit around waiting for something to change. Become proactive: put in your notice, dive into a full-time search, and as a result, you may end up working for an organization you believe in. Monday mornings can become a whole new reality.

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